Gift Vouchers

I understand that gifting a painting in time for a holiday, birthday, or anniversary isn’t always feasible. It can also be challenging to envision the perfect portrait for a friend or family member or to locate suitable photos of their beloved pet

If you would like to give the gift of an oil painting, but run into an issue like one of the above, you can purchase a gift voucher instead. The voucher can be for any cash amount you would like to give. Your friend or family member can then use this voucher at any time to commission their ideal oil painting.

Give the Gift of an Oil Painting

custom pet oil painting of two dogs, Max and Daisy

 How Does it Work?

Purchasing and Redeeming a Gift Voucher is Simple

  • Simply contact me with the dollar amount you would like your gift voucher to be and the name of the person who will be receiving the voucher.

  • I will create a voucher with a unique voucher number and email you an invoice. I will email you the filled out voucher upon receiving payment.

  • When the recipient is ready to redeem their voucher, they will simply email me with their voucher number and I will walk them through the commission process and get to work on their portrait (directions included on the voucher).

gift voucher for custom pet portrait oil painting